
Kaifeng Foundation
There are more than 76,000 foundations in the USA with combined assets of over half a trillion dollars and giving away around 47 billion dollars each year. A paper written...
Nonprofit Quarterly
A write up of the donor only event held on the 06 May 2013, by The Philanthropy Roundtable. The event looked at the extent and quality of services for veterans.
CFA Institute
"Too few financial advisers take the initiative when it comes to engaging clients on the question of philanthropy. Yet, having a meaningful conversation about charitable giving is an effective way...
Civil Society
One of Civil Society's 9 part Charity Awards series, this report examines the role of the board in encouraging innovation, and provides case studies to illustrate good practice.
Civil Society
Part of Civil Society's 9 part Charity Awards series, this report explores examples of inspiring leadership within the charitable sector.
The Resource Alliance
This paper was inspired by discussions at the Bellagio Summit which took place from 8-22 November 2011 and was organised by three partners: • Institute of Development Studies (IDS) –...
Centre for Charitable Giving and Philanthropy at Cass Business School
This report explores the debate surrounding the concept of 'Big Society'. Several academics consider the rle of philanthropy within society, and how it can be further encouraged. The Authors also...
HM Government
"One year on from the publication of the Giving White Paper, much has been achieved against the goals we originally set ourselves. We have made giving easier – through the...
Ipsos Mori
This report presents the findings of a survey of the general public conducted to inform the Review of The Charities Act 2006. A representative sample of 1,004 adults in England...
Koele Private Client and Charity
This article examines the tax discrimination encountered by philanthropic organizations and donors in regard to international philanthropy and the developments in this regard within the European Union. The author concludes...


