Opportunity International

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Opportunity International is driven by the belief that everyone has the right to live their lives with dignity. We all deserve to hold our heads high, to send our children to school, to have a say in our households. But without access to basic financial services, people are trapped in the cycle of poverty.  All they need is an opportunity; an opportunity to lift themselves, their families and communities out of poverty.


Opportunity International unlocks the determination, energy and entrepreneurial spirit of men and women living in poverty by equipping them to reach their full potential.  With innovations in agriculture, education, and technology Opportunity International is supporting farmers, mothers, school children and whole communities in some of the poorest countries in the world.  Working with local partners, Opportunity International provides access to savings, small business loans, insurance and training.  These services enable people to build or expand their businesses, create jobs for their neighbours and build a safety net for the future. Today, Opportunity International serves more than 20 million in over 30 countries around the world.


For more information please visit: www.opportunity.org.uk

Or contact: moakes@opportunity.org


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