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Navigating Wealth Transfer: Strategies for Success

We regret to inform you of a change in venue for our upcoming event. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the event will no longer be taking place at MASECO Private Wealth. Instead, it will be held at Instinctif Partners, located on the 1st floor, 65 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7NQ.

Join us for an insightful exploration into the evolving dynamics of wealth transfer, family philanthropy, and the pivotal role of professional advisors in navigating generational shifts within family-owned enterprises.

As the next generation assumes larger roles in managing family wealth, new paradigms are emerging in family philanthropy. This event delves deep into the changing face of philanthropy and the implications when younger family members spearhead charitable initiatives.

Our expert panelists will tackle pressing questions and share practical strategies on:

The Evolution of Family Philanthropy: How are traditional philanthropic models evolving with the rise of next-gen leadership in family wealth?

Navigating Generational Shifts: What challenges and opportunities arise when a new generation takes the reins in family philanthropy, and how can these be effectively managed?

The Role of Professional Advisors: Insights into the critical role of advisors in supporting next-gen social impact investing and philanthropy strategies.

Millennials and Societal Impact: Exploring the unique motivations and challenges Millennials face in driving societal change through philanthropy and impact investing.

Significance of Next Gens: Why the involvement of next gens is crucial and how their approach differs across Millennials and Gen Z.

This engaging discussion promises actionable insights and networking opportunities for professional advisors seeking to navigate the complexities of wealth succession and philanthropy in today's rapidly evolving landscape.


Time: Registration 17:00; Discussion 17:30-19:00; Networking Reception 19:00-20:00

Duration: 90 minutes

Venue: Instinctif Partners, 1st floor, 65 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7NQ

CPD: 1.5 self-certified points 

Prior registration is required

Event cost: FREE for members/Non-members fees £60/£80

View the speakers biographies HERE. 


Events Details:

Tuesday 18 June 2024 05:00 PM



George King, Senior Wealth Manager, MASECO Private Wealth


James Maloney, Partner, Farrer & Co

Anna Josse, CEO and Founder, Prism The Gift Fund