

You might find some of these reports useful. Some reports are held as PDF documents within the site and others link to other sites.

Book Review
The explicitly religious title of this book will no doubt attract as many readers in the US as it repels in the UK. But in fact neither should be unduly influenced by the promise or threat contained in that title...
Book List
The report analyses the funding provided to environmental causes, looking at the grants of 176 trusts and foundations. It also includes a section where experienced fundraisers provide feedback on what they thought would make the grants market function more effectively...
Book List
This reference work defines more than 1,200 terms and concepts that have been found useful in past research and theory on the non-profit sector. The entries reflect the importance of philanthropy as well as associations, citizen participation, voluntary action, non-profit...
Book List
Though privately controlled, foundations perform essential roles that serve society at large. They spearhead some of the world's largest and most innovative initiatives in science, health, education and the arts, fulfilling important needs that could not be addressed adequately in...
Book List
This stimulating document contains a range of articles written by experienced and new philanthropic commentators who share a belief that global philanthropy is on the verge of a qualitative shift in contributing to the public good. The inflection point is...
Book List
The first edition of Powell's Research Handbook has been an essential source of reference since it was first published in 1987. This new edition is thoroughly updated and includes two chapters of particular interest to people working in the philanthropy...
Book Review
Whenever popular commentators reach for the name of a philanthropist, chances are that it is Andrew Carnegie, the Scots-born US steel magnate and originator of foundational philanthropy, whom they first recall. But beyond his nationality, source of wealth and scale...
Book Review
If history holds some important insights for modern day philanthropy then Ruth Crocker's meticulous biography of Mrs Russell Sage is highly informative. It is Crocker's purpose to ensure that we should not underestimate the significance of Olivia Sage, not only...
Book List
International development is often new and unfamiliar territory for funders and they can struggle with the operational difficulty of funding internationally. But challenges can be overcome, according to a study of foundations making annual grants in this area of between...
Book List
Failure to tackle truancy is costing the economy £800m each year, but one third of this could easily be saved, according to this report. Misspent Youth provides detailed calculations and sources for all data used and demonstrates the high returns...


