
Expert opinions

Expert Opinions on topic areas can be a useful way of keeping up-to-date. To this end, a few of our Expert Opinions are being revised and new ones developed. If you would like to suggest an expert opinon on a particular topic, then please email your suggestion to

Expert opinion
Introduction It’s likely you’re reading this just before, or soon after, a meeting. Philanthropic organizations use meetings to impart information, craft strategies, and make major decisions. Yet far too many...
Expert opinion
Most people are aware that charities across the UK work hard to help people in need, support education and culture, preserve the environment, and a wide range of other activities...
Expert opinion
Change. Impact. Transformation. Progress. No matter what you call it, we philanthropists are obsessed with it. Some use harder metrics than others, but ‘change’, it seems, is the way we...
Expert opinion
At Maverick Collective by PSI, I have the privilege of working with a community of women philanthropists who are not only funding cutting-edge innovation but are engaging in a hands-on...