Americans pay more for eco-friendly products

Americans pay more for eco-friendly products


Americans are willing to pay more for eco-friendly products, according to a new report.

Half of more than 2,000 respondents to the GfK Roper Yale survey said that they would pay 15% more for a car that was eco-friendly, and 51% said they would pay 15% more for eco-friendly clothes detergent. Americans who said that their current financial situation is “fair” or “poor” were as willing to spend more on eco-friendly detergent as those with more confidence in their current financial situation.

Anthony Leiserowitz, director of the Yale Project on Climate Change, said, “Many American consumers, even in the face of economic uncertainty, express a willingness to pay more for environmentally friendly products. Toyota can’t make the Prius fast enough to meet consumer demand, to cite just one example, and many see ‘green’ products as the wave of the future.”

The survey also revealed that Americans want more information about the environmental impact of manufacture, use and disposal of products to appear on labels.